Saturday 19 Oct, 2024

Starting at 9:00am to 10:00pm

The Spot

2/A Bottova, 811 09 Bratislava

MesaureCamp in pictures

MeasureCamp is not a conference like any other. It starts with a bit of chaos when composing the programme, but then everything falls into place when participants join individual sessions with the familiar atmosphere of discussing numbers, charts and analytical tools.

Morning starts with chaos!

Morning belongs to assembling the programme based on participants preferences in regards to areas of improvements or things they want to share with others. These ideas come together on a “SESSIONS BOARD”, which then sets the programme for the whole unconference day.

The schedule consists of formulaires available on the spot which require your name and a topic you want to share or discuss.

Session board Measure camp Prague, Zdroj: Twitter - @paveljasek

Session board Measure camp Prague, Zdroj: Twitter – @paveljasek

There are 3-4 sessions in parallel, so it is up to you to come up with your personal schedule.  Can’t be at two places at the same time, or can you?

Sessions board MeasureCamp London, Zdroj:

Sessions board MeasureCamp London, Zdroj:

Each session takes 30 minutes and the schedule is tightly upheld by the organizers. MeasureCamp may be an informal conference, but overrunning the sessions would disrupt the rest of the programme. If something still needs to be said or discussed – there is always the afterparty, where the session time is only limited by your stamina!

Warning! No space left on Hard Drive.

After the initial chaos, you convene in the meeting rooms where you can listen to presentations on different web analytics topics. These can span from discussing trending analytical tools, best AB testing practices or how to approach an analysis conceptually. MeasureCamp however is not only about listeining. Some topics on the session board will be a freeform / moderated discussions, others may involve solving case studies.

Začiatok MeasureCamp London 2015

Začiatok MeasureCamp London 2015, Zdroj:

Topics are plenty and there’s lot of information. Your personal intake is up to you.  

MeasureCamp Prague, Zdroj:

MeasureCamp Prague, Zdroj:

Everyone has a reason to attent MeasureCamp.

The MeasureCamp unconference always takes place on a Sunday and is free for participants.. All costs are covered from sponsoship donations. These are used for renting the place, small present for all participants as well as catering. These companies support MeasureCamp because they care about the development of analytical community in their country. Aside of the good feeling, they can also use MeasureCamp to approach potential employees. For this purpose MeasureCamp featues an “OFFLINE JOB BOARD”, where participating companies can post vacancies and can also be used by participants to advertise themselves to potential employers. Those who will fail to do so can still use an online job board which will be available on MeasureCamp website after the event.

job board             ranajky

Our participants need to be in shape during the whole event and that’s why some snacks, coffee and tea are available during the whole event. Least but not least we also provide a lunch.

Watch a video from MeasureCamp Paris or take a peak at Prague MeasureCamp Storify to breathe in the atmosphere and to shorten the long wait for 6th of Februárom.

Who supports MeasureCamp Bratislava?

Our sponsors are Google, Piano and Telekom. Our media partners are web portals Startitup and touchIT.

google 2015 logo




MeasureCamp is a result of cooperation between two organisations – DWA and Connect, both of which are focusing on development of commerce and communities in Slovakia.

DWA – Digital World Association

The aim of DWA is the development of the digital community in Slovakia and abroad. Our focus is mostly on digital marketing, advertising and analytics..

Contact: Peter Jakuš, člen DWA,  +421 918 413 069


Our aim is to enable business development, which is example of innovative, successful and ethically correct business. We provide space for work, education, mentoring and networking. We are building a community of interesting people from a wide range of areas from marketing and design, through to IT, law and finance.

Contact: Zuzana Valovičová, Event Manager +421 948 104 883

Connect logo

Come share your experience, find out what’s new in the world of analytics, find a new job or just network with interesting people.

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